太阳城娱乐 is here to support you and your family! 下面的资源指南 is for CHC 学生 with children under the age of 18 and provides information on campus and community resources to meet a variety of needs.
的 基本需要中心 team is committed to fostering belonging through a robust model that includes short-term emergency relief and long-term support services addressing students’ basic needs. We define basic needs as a holistic manner that includes food security, housing security, mental health care, technology, and transportation support.
- 联系人:Erika Sherman, esherman@szpft.com or 909-389-3233
- 地点:ccr - 153
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m. 星期五,8点.m. 到1p.m.
加州工作机会 & 对孩子的责任(CalWORKs) helps students who are receiving cash aid from the counties to become independent. CalWORKs provides short-term educational training programs and supportive services to assist eligible students to obtain employment.
- 联系电话:909-389-3239或 eops@szpft.com
- 地点:ccr - 221
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 星期五,9点.m. 到1p.m.
的 儿童发展中心 at 太阳城娱乐 serves as a campus-based early education program providing both a laboratory setting to CHC students enrolled in child development courses and as a preschool program, with extended care hours, for those children ages 3-5 of students, 员工和社区. Providing demonstration classrooms to the college community, our program offers a model of best practice in the field of early education while providing students learning opportunities through observation and interactions with 幼儿和他们的家庭. We strive to be the community’s first choice for 早期教育计划.
- Contact: Heather Stephens, 909-389-3400 or hstephens@szpft.com
- 地点:疾控中心2号楼
- 营业时间:早上7点.m. 到下午4:30.m.
Extended Opportunity 项目 and Services (bgi的S) is here to make sure students disadvantaged by social, economic, educational, or linguistic barriers get the resources they need to enroll and succeed at Crafton Hills 大学. 如何? By offering comprehensive academic and support counseling, financial aid and a bevy of other services aimed at keeping students from dropping out and helping them reach their educational and career goals.
- 联系电话:909-389-3239或 eops@szpft.com
- 地点:CCR 221 - 6号楼
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 星期五,9点.m. 到1p.m.
健康 & 健康中心 has a 哺乳室 for all nursing mothers. This is a private space where a nursing 母亲可以吸奶或喂奶. We are equipped with a sound machine to create a relaxing environment, a refrigerator, sink, cleaning supplies, table, and comfortable chair. 的 ability to pump throughout the day allows mothers to keep up their milk supply and enables them to save and take home the nutrient-rich milk they have pumped.
- Contact: 909-389-3272 or healthwellness@szpft.com
- 地点:CCR 221 - 7号楼
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 星期五,9点.m. 到1p.m.
第九条 (Pregnant and Parenting Rights)
社区 Resources for Student-Parents
的 OCAP is funding Parents Anonymous® Inc. 提供给加州家长 & 青年 Helpline and Online Parent Support Groups to address increased stressors and concerns faced by families, parents, and youth during the current uncertain and troubling times. Parents and youth can call, text, and chat 1-855-4APARENT (1-855-427-2736) for emotional support and referrals in English, Spanish, and other languages, every day from 8am 到8点. 报名参加在线小组在 caparentyouthhelpline.org, Other Parents Anonymous resources can be accessed on their website.
自动电话: 1-888-942-9675
面对面的电话: 1-800-852-5770
电子邮件: WIC@cdph.ca.政府
412 W. 酒店巷2楼
的 California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) offers support for low-income, working 加州人. You may be eligible for up to $3,417 cash back or a reduction of the 你欠的税.
If you qualify for CalEITC and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for a refundable tax credit of up to $1000 through the 幼儿税收抵免 (YCTC)! If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund.